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Malcolm Bishop KC, a founder member of 30 Park Place has been appointed Lord Chief Justice and President of the Land Court of the Kingdom of Tonga.

The appointment was approved by His Majesty King Tupou V1 in Privy Council and is effective from 1st September 2024.

Malcolm was a founder member of 30 Park Place chambers in 1972 – the set is now the largest in Wales, supporting clients in both England and Wales. His career over the last half a century has now pitched the barrister a long way from the magistrates courts of South Wales – 12,000 miles to the Kingdom of Tonga.

Malcolm reflected on this journey:

“In 1972, 30 Park Place was a small set, just six of us in a few rooms above Lloyds Bank at 55 Park Place. The then head, Charles Pitchford took the daring decision to take on four pupils. It was a risk for such a small set, but it proved quite successful because they all made their mark. John Jenkins and Peter Griffiths later became Silks while Bill Gaskell and Mark Furness graced the circuit bench.”

“We moved to 30 park Place in the early ’80’s, bought 30 and then next door, and grew to be the largest and leading chambers in Wales, with a dozen or so circuit judges, umpteen Recorders and chairs of tribunals – the star of our set the late Christopher Pitchford who reached the Court of Appeal. We can count the former Counsel General, Lord Chancellor and Attorney General as previous members. We certainly made our mark.”

But it was not all was hard graft. There was time for fun too, as he said:

“We put on a pantomime at the Welsh college of drama. Helen Mifflin starred as the good fairy  of the family division, Phil Richard was the wicked wizard – with the primary school sons of John Rees as his juniors – while Paul Lewis, in drag, was ‘Wishee Washee’. I was the Big Friendly Judge. Patrick Curran was the producer and Chris Pitchford did the voice  over.

“Happy days, long to be cherished from the warmer climes of the South Pacific.”

30 Park Place and Legal News Wales wish Malcolm Bishop KC, The Hon. Lord Chief Justice and President of the land Court, Kingdom of Tonga the very best for his next adventure.

Emma Waddingham

Emma Waddingham

Editor, Legal News

Emma Waddingham is the Editor & Founder of Legal News. She is a seasoned legal editor and journalist and experienced marketing & events consultant, working almost exclusively with the UK legal sector.