LawWorks Cymru seeks to scope the views and involvement of lawyers in pro bono activity in Wales to ensure its future support is both effective and meaningful – and that unsung heroes are recognised.
Several reports in recent years, including the Commission on Justice in Wales, have highlighted the lack of funding and resources for access to justice. Social welfare areas of law continue to be affected by the rationing of legal aid and demand for pro bono legal services has increased.
Launched in conjunction with Legal News Wales, LawWorks Cymru has launched a short survey to help the charity scope the views and involvement of pro bono in Wales, helping LawWorks Cymru to support and celebrate stakeholders, clinics and lawyers effectively.
You can help LawWorks direct its efforts to recruit involvement and to ensure those unsung heroes are given the credit they deserve.
The survey is anonymised, for all those in the legal profession (from law students to lawyers, legal advice clinic volunteers and academics) and we’ll share the results with you in a few weeks’ time.
Share your views here:
Create your own survey at
LawWorks Cymru
LawWorks Cymru is grateful to be supported by the National Lottery Community Fund. It works to facilitate, promote and celebrate pro bono, across a variety of advice sectors, to assist a plethora of people.
Pro Bono cannot and should not be a replacement for legal aid, either short or long term. However, so long as the gap between those in need of legal advice and support and their availability exist, the need to plug that gap remains vital.
So many in Wales already do a great job but by knowing what barriers may exist to participation, we can work to overcome them.