The Reaching Justice Wales Legal Walk Cardiff 2021 takes place on Thursday 7 October, followed by the Legal Walk in Swansea on 21 October; these dates will soon be upon us.
The walks are a highlight in the legal year in South and South West Wales, bringing legal professionals together from all areas of the profession – and of all backgrounds.
We asked His Honour Judge Harrison, Designated Civil Judge for Wales and Chair of Reaching Justice Wales to explain ‘why we walk’ each year: where the donations go, why they’re needed and how hundreds of lawyers benefit from walking with RJW in Cardiff and Swansea each year. He has also shared a video, to explain why we walk and inspire you to join us.
Covid19: how it’s changed the 2021 Legal Walk in Cardiff
This year there will be no post-walk event. We’ve outlined why, along with ‘what to expect’ on the day, below. The Access to Justice Foundation has undertaken a full risk assessment to keep everyone safe, including a change to how we’ll start the walk and the distance travelled.
A letter from HHJ Harrison:
Dear friends and colleagues,
I am writing to you in my capacity as chair of Reaching Justice Wales (RJW). RJW is part of the national Access to Justice Foundation and as many of you will know we raise funds to support voluntary and charitable groups across Wales who help members of the public gain access to justice when otherwise their opportunity to do so would be limited.
As many of you will also know we have for many years now held a Legal Walk in Cardiff and Swansea in October to help raise such funds.
So why do we walk?
Perhaps three reasons.
- Firstly to demonstrate visibly to the public the solidarity of the general legal profession with these groups and the principle of access to justice.
- Secondly to act as a focus for donations. Walkers or teams of walkers can raise funds but we also encourage non walkers to donate at this time.
- And thirdly to have fun. The walk is normally an enjoyable social event where law students, members of the professions, academics, senior partners and the judiciary all get together for a common cause.
So if you have joined us previously please do so again. If you haven’t then please think about doing so. Form a team, perhaps print some t-shirts and join in.
Last year the walks were cancelled due to the pandemic. The organisations that we support need all the help that they can get so it would be great to make this year’s walks bigger than ever.
Cardiff & Swansea Legal Walks
For more details about ways in which you can take part and how to donate in Cardiff, please click here.
For more details about ways in which you can take part and how to donate in Swansea, please click here.
Further information as to what the walk entails are set out below and on the registration page, here.
With my best wishes,
His Honour Judge Robert Harrison
Barnwr Sifil Dynodedig / Designated Civil Judge for Wales
Keeping you safe at this year’s Legal Walk Cardiff – & how to fundraise
With your help we can raise much needed money and awareness for free legal advice services and everyone who needs them at this difficult time.
To keep our walkers safe, we are putting additional measures in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our participants.
The following information will help you to understand what you can expect on the day of the Legal Walk and outline any precautions you may need to take.
What to expect on the day
Please note: The organisers will be following government guidelines continuously throughout the pandemic and arrangements are subject to change.
Please do not attend the event if you feel unwell or have any Covid-19 symptoms. This includes a high temperature, a continuous cough, or a loss of taste or smell.
This year we will be operating staggered start times to avoid groups of more than 30 people gathering at the registration point. This means there will be no speeches at the start of the Legal Walk this year.
Registration/ Starting point: Cardiff Crown Court (front Steps) Cardiff CF10 3PG
- Please arrive between 5.00-5.30pm to register with your team and allocate one team representative to register and pick up the route map.
- Once this is complete we shall take a social media picture of your group (optional) and you will then be able to start the walk immediately.
Please ensure that you walk in groups of no more than six.
- The end point will be at Cardiff Crown Court. Due to the pandemic, we have decided not to host our usual post-walk drinks celebration – however we do hope you and your colleagues will join us for a few words from Reaching Justice Wales to celebrate our fundraising efforts and the advice sector we support.
- Please also adhere to any additional measures put in place by the organisers on the day.
- We encourage you to post your team photos by tweeting your photographs from the event @RJWCCC using the hashtag #legalwalk.
Thank you for your help in making sure the Legal Walks are fun and safe!
There is still time to raise some more money to support this fantastic cause. Simply send your team’s online fundraising page link to anyone who might sponsor you. Please do ask for match funding from your firm.
If your organisation would like to support the Legal Walk Cardiff 2021 with sponsorship, please contact Emma Waddingham, RJW Committee member & Editor, Legal News Wales, here.
TO DONATE, please click here.
Register now!
Click here to register your team or as an individual (there will be plenty of people to meet and walk with on the day) for the Legal Walk Cardiff 2021. Thank you for your support and we’ll see you there!