Legal News Wales is delighted present the recording of the first Brewin Dolphin Family Law Seminar for 2022, aimed to help family lawyers and trainees.
Our one-hour event was hosted online by Legal News Wales, to offer family lawyers the latest updates in pre and post martial agreements, a case study and demonstration of how cashflow modelling can be effective in helping client settlement agreements and to empower them for the future and a unique session to help lawyers demonstrate better outcomes for clients – to help us understand why people make decisions and how to drive your client towards better outcomes.
What to expect
The event and recording (below) contains three presentations and a Q&A session:
Session 1: Pre & Post Nupital Agreements
Rebecca Knight, Wendy Hopkins Family Law presents a thorough walk-through of the use of – and things to consider – when applying pre and post nuptial agreements. Whilst it is not possible to say that Pre-Nuptial Agreements are enforceable here in England and Wales, and there is no guarantee that the Court would follow a Pre-Nuptial Agreement in the event of a divorce. However, there are certain things that you can do to improve the chances of having the Pre-Nuptial Agreement followed by the Court and these are explored by Rebecca in her talk.
Session 2. Cashflow
Brewin Dolphin has been asked to recap on cashflow so in the second part of our event, Greg Tait, Assistant Director, Financial Planning at Brewin Dolphin, discusses how cashflow is used with their clients to demonstrate the clients’ current financial position and how to empower them to plan for their ideal future.
Session 3. Demonstrating better outcomes
Thirdly, Natalie Walker, Team Leader of Brewin Dolphin’s Client Skills Team, discusses difficult conversations with clients. There will always be the occasional client who might decide not to follow advice, during this session we will discuss how to deal with those clients and how to demonstrate a better outcome to the client.
Watch now
This event was recorded live on 25 February 2022. Please note the disclaimer below for the cashflow session.
Brewin Dolphin Family Law Seminar – February 2022 from on Vimeo.
To download the speaker presentations, click on the links below.
- For Rebecca Knight’s presentation, click here.
- To receive a copy of Greg Tait’s presentation, or to contact Natalie Walker, please email
Be a part of the programme!
Brewin Dolphin is planning to restart regular seminars during the year as working conditions begin to normalise. If there are any topics that you would like the team to cover, or subject matter experts you think would benefit the Family Law community please contact Greg Tait, Financial Planner & Assistant Director at Brewin Dolphin’s Wales office, via
Disclaimer: When using Cashflow Planning with a client there are some key levers we can use where the initial outcome indicates that a client will run out of liquid assets (that can be spent) too soon, as demonstrated in the case study. The main levers will typically include expenditure, increasing savings (e.g. pension contributions), increased investment risk to demonstrate potential outcome with greater investment returns and altering the timeframe to a planned event such as retirement.
In this case study, the main lever available with which to help the client plan was to reduce expenditure. This was dictated by the client’s circumstances, in particular her proximity to and limited earned income ahead of retirement. While the other levers were explored they didn’t make the difference required in this case.
Ultimately, the levers used will differ with each client according to their individual circumstances and the outcome will not always result in a reduced expenditure!