The Law Society Wales has created a free set of ‘Back to the Office’ posters for employers, to help ensure a safe return to the workplace.
The Law Society has also produced guidance on how to consider what are the best work systems for your law firm which looks at the employment law and health and safety considerations employers will need to be aware of when deciding how to organise and manage staff.
Topics covered include:
- Can firms be liable if an employee contracts COVID-19 at work?
- Can staff demand to come into the office or can a worker refuse to come into the office if they think it is unsafe?
- Is it an employer’s responsibility to take in to account the risks involved in employees travelling to the office?
- Do employers need to make special adjustments for those the government deem to be particularly vulnerable to coronavirus?
- Do employers need to provide PPE?
- Can employers insist employees download the NHS app?
- Can employers ask workers to inform them if they have coronavirus?
- Are employers obliged to fund an employee’s home office set-up?
Posters & signage
The posters are available in both Welsh and English and can be downloaded below:
Posters in English
The Law Society’s ‘safe return to the workplace’ toolkit is available to view and download here.
Posteri yn Gymraeg
- ‘Golchwch Eich Dwylo am 20 Eiliad‘ PDF (‘Wash Your Hands for 20 Seconds’ Handwashing PDF)
‘Cadwch Bellter O 2 Fetr’ PDF (‘Keep a Minimum of 2 Metres Distance’) PDF
‘Un Person yn Unig‘ PDF (‘One person in the toilet’ PDF)
- ‘Un Person yn Unig‘ (‘One person per lift’ PDF)
Cyber Security at work materials
We are also able to share some free cyber security reminder posters, kindly given to us for free by Team Metalogic, which has previously hosted some essential cyber events and modern workplace updates for Legal News readers.
The Team Metalogic Cyber Security materials are:
- 4 x Cyber Awareness Posters
- 2 x Cyber Awareness Infographics
- E-book: Cyber Security for Employees
- E-book: Business as Usual, Coronavirus Checklist (I refer to much of this during the slides)
- E-book: The 2020 Problem
Download link
The Cyber Security prompts for employees are available to download from our secure OneDrive cloud, here.
(Please contact the Editor if you can’t access the files.)