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This month marked the beginning of a chapter in the Law Society’s history book as the first Welsh Admissions Ceremony was held in Cardiff, welcoming new and well-established solicitors into the profession.

Host and National Board for Wales vice-chair Gareth Jones said that the day was ‘a perfect fusion of Law Society tradition with the identity of Welsh members’.

Commenting on the significance of the event, Gareth said:

“It was an honour and privilege to officiate this momentous event in both Welsh and English alongside our President Nick Emmerson and I would like to wish all of our attendees continued success in their careers.”

From junior to well-established solicitors, the day reflected the rich tapestry of the legal sector in Wales.

One such attendee was Huw Williams, Chief Legal Adviser at Senedd Cymru (Welsh Parliament) who, touching upon the importance of the day, said:

“When I qualified in 1978 the expense of a family visit to London for a ceremony was too much

“Being able to attend a ceremony and receive my certificate 46 years after I received my Admission Certificate means a lot.  

“I found it moving to share the occasion with a such a diverse group of solicitors and to hear about their journeys into the Law.

Similarly, Blake Morgan’s Head of Office, Eve Piffaretti also hadn’t attended her ceremony. Reflecting on her decorated career so far, Eve said:

“I have been proud and privileged to practice in Wales throughout my career, working with amazing, talented people.  

“Now, as a member of the National Board for Wales, it feels complete to have been admitted here in Wales.”

Also joining the 2024 cohort of admitted solicitors was Patricia McBride who, despite qualifying in 1985, was not able to make her ceremony in London.

Patricia has lived and practised in Wales since qualifying and when she saw the opportunity to attend in Cardiff she said:

“It really didn’t matter how long ago one had qualified, I jumped at the chance!’

‘“It was a very special day and is so great to know that it’s never too late.”

Looking forward, she noted her hopes for ‘many more ceremonies like this’.

Emma Waddingham

Emma Waddingham

Editor, Legal News

Emma Waddingham is the Editor & Founder of Legal News. She is a seasoned legal editor and journalist and experienced marketing & events consultant, working almost exclusively with the UK legal sector.